Southeast Asian Art

Southeast Asian Art

In this section, we collect the works produced in the geographical region located south of China and north of Australia, between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific, in the area that for simplification is commonly divided into Indochina and Indonesia. An ideal bridge between Asia and Oceania, Southeast Asia for millennia is the meeting place between India and China, a real melting pot of languages, cultures and styles. Among the works that we will deal with more frequently, there are the splendid creations linked to the Buddhist and Hindu tradition of the ancient populations of the Khmer kingdoms of Cambodia, as well as those of Lanna, Sukhothai, Ayutthayaia of Thailand, or Champa and Cham of Vietnam. We, therefore, examine the great religious statuary in stone or bronze, but also the vast production of elegant artifacts for everyday use: furniture, decorative panels, pottery, including the beautiful lacquerware of Burma and Malaysia and the elaborate creations of colonial art in the Philippines.