Consulting and Study

Consultancy service

Consulting is a service that involves the in-depth study of one or more works, but in this case, it is not necessarily oriented to the sale.
In the field of our competence there are different types of consultations:

Consultancy for purchases and sales

It often happens that private collectors involve an expert in the strategies they adopt for their collection. An opinion of a person with a specific cultural background and experience in the market can save time and money both in the phase of expansion of collections and in the phase of alienation in whole or in part.

Collection care and management.

In addition to the tactical choice of what to buy and what to sell the collector may want to implement, improve, inventory, study and perhaps publish the catalog of the collection. The publication of a catalog is indeed an interesting initiative, because, if developed in an intelligent and knowledgeable way, it can be the point of contact between the world of a private collection and the academic world. In this regard, we suggest and coordinate the advice of art critics of recognized personalities from the academic world whose contributions will give international resonance to the collection.

Consultations for study/expertise

In the lively and varied panorama of art and especially antiques, having an expert study a work of art and have his/her written report can become a fixed point in a sea of opinions. From a long-term perspective, having certifications can help to give a work a historical perspective and slowly build its pedigree.

Hereditary divisions

The company is regularly authorized to carry out surveys in case of inheritance or hereditary divisions. The expertise can be requested by the heir in an autonomous form or, in some cases, recognized through the use of the court to the CTU (technical consultant of office).

Consultations for restoration

When it comes to antiques is not unusual to need a restorer, but a bad restoration can irreparably ruin a work and decrease its value. It is, therefore, necessary to seek the advice of an expert who can advise first of all if it is worthwhile to intervene, possibly in what way and, in the end, suggest the path to follow.

Consulting for insurance purposes

Private collectors and companies with art collections frequently need to associate values with their collection in order to establish the number of insurance premiums. This is the work of an expert and should be kept up to date or repeated after a period of time to ensure that the values are up to date and in line with the market.
On the other hand, the insurance companies themselves may need a CTU to verify the amounts following a claim or an initial consultation to determine the number of premiums to be insured.

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