
Evaluation of artworks

Despite common logic, carrying out an evaluation is a delicate operation in which several variables come together.
To be effective, an evaluation must not be left to improvisation, but it must be tailored to the needs of those who require it.

Due to this reason, we give a lot of space to the interpersonal relationship with the client through which we are able to identify the needs to be met.
In fact, there is rarely an absolute and univocal value to be associated with a work of art, since the value is dependent on many factors, first and foremost the time and place chosen for the sale.

Selling a work of art, therefore, means defining the best method to enhance its value by finding the right market, carrying out – where required – the operations aimed at guaranteeing its authenticity and legitimate provenance and choosing, in agreement with the owner, the most effective method of sale.

Evaluations for the purpose of sale through our services and/or channels are always welcome and free.


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