
Artwork for sale

This is everyone’s favorite activity! As with evaluations, the sale of a work of art is anything but a trivial operation and it is the true cornerstone on which the entire art economy revolves.

The sale of a work of art naturally follows one of two paths:

  • Direct sale
  • Auction sale

In the first case, after having studied an appropriate evaluation, we will take care of finding an interested buyer and propose the purchase. This method has the undeniable advantage of being generally quick and safe but tends to be less profitable.

On the other hand, auctioning generally achieves better results in economic terms and the negotiation is completely transparent since auctions are public. However, this option is more time-consuming because it has to respect the technical time frames of the auction houses and it is not sure that the sale will be successful since a lot might even remain unsold.

In either case, BAIAS will act on the entrusted goods using all the channels it deems most suitable on the national and international market and it will oversee the proper execution of the sale in all its phases.

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